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Sat, 23 Nov


Planet Yoga

Hormone yoga is a therapeutic form of yoga and helps all women to balance their hormone levels.

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Time & Location

23 Nov 2019, 14:30 – 17:45

Planet Yoga, Eichstrasse 23, 8045 Zurich, Switzerland

About the event

Hormone Yoga

Workshop with Tanja Forcellini

November 23 / 2:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m

Hormone yoga is a therapeutic form of yoga and helps all women to balance their hormone levels. With targeted hormone yoga exercises, special breathing techniques and energy management, we activate and harmonize the endocrine system (organs and tissues that produce hormones) and the entire hormone balance. This supports women going through the menopause, as well as younger women, in bringing their hormonal balance into balance and keeping it there - ideal for increasing general well-being.

Hormone yoga has a supportive effect on symptoms during menopause, when trying to have children, when coming off the pill, alleviates PMS symptoms and has a regulating effect when the thyroid gland is underactive.

Regular practice refines our perception of the cycle and hormonal changes in the body. Among other things, the results bring improvements or elimination of symptoms associated with hormone fluctuations such as mood swings, hair loss, hot flashes, sleep disorders, migraines, etc.

Hormone yoga is suitable for

Women and girls with strong hormonal fluctuations, irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, pain before/during menstruation and no menstruation

Women from around 35 years of age who are experiencing premature menopause – with or without symptoms

Menopausal women – with or without symptoms

women who wish to have children

Women who want to stop taking the pill

women with hypothyroidism

Hormone yoga is not suitable

during menstruation

during pregnancy

in hormone-related breast cancer and tumor diseases

with advanced endometriosis

with large fibroids in the uterus

in acute heart disease or after heart surgery

for inflammation in the abdomen, for example appendix irritation

in the first 3 months after abdominal surgery

with overactive thyroid

with severe osteoporosis

Tanya Forcellini

During a trip through the Far East in 1999, Tanja Ashtanga got to know and appreciate Vinyasa Yoga. On her personal life path, connected with many questions, yoga has led her to the path of answers. To the answers that are deep inside. In 2004, Tanja trained as a yoga teacher at Centered Yoga in Asia and earned the Yoga Alliance certificate. In addition, following her own pregnancy and birth in 2008, she completed Birthlight UK's Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training. After that, life increasingly led her back to stillness – stillness moved her from yoga to meditation. Both are gifts that she is happy to share with her students. The loving and conscious handling and the mindful perception of one's own body are the focus of Tanja's classes. This as well as the connection between breath and movement. Since 2017, Tanja has been in further training to become an MBSR teacher (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction MBSR / stress management through mindfulness according to Prof. Jon Kabat Zinn) at the Center for Mindfulness in Zurich. In addition, she completed the hormone balance teacher training with Salome Noah.

Since Tanja became a mother herself at the end of 2008, she has been aware of how much strength, self-confidence and physical and mental relaxation yoga and meditation give her every day. She feels grateful to everyone who shares her path with her in a curious and present way - be it on the mat or in the middle of life.

Tanja deepens her own meditation and yoga practice at retreats and further training with internationally renowned teachers. She expands her spiritual practice through the challenges of everyday life and especially during her stays in the ashram in northern India.

For more information see her website

No previous knowledge of yoga is necessary.

Tanja teaches this course in German.

Costs: CHF 90.-

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